Timer 1 ER Tablet

Timer 1 ER Tablet

Timer 1 ER Tablet comes under the category of "" and lets see the uses, how it works, side effects and more of this medicine.

Type :

Uses Of Timer 1 ER Tablet

How it works

When to Use

Side Effects


Safety Precautions

Alcohol Not Allowed

No, do not take Timer 1 ER Tablet along with alcohol. If you have alcohol while taking this medication, you may face lot of serious problems.

Pregnancy Not Allowed

No, do not take Timer 1 ER Tablet if you are pregnant. You should consult with your doctor before coming to some conclusion. It is always good to seek doctors advice before having a medication.

Breast Feeding Not Allowed

It is not preferable(Not Safe) to take this drug (Timer 1 ER Tablet) when Breast Feeding. You should always consult your doctor before taking any medication while breast feeding.

Driving Not Safe

It is not-safe to take this Timer 1 ER Tablet drug if you are intent to drive a vehicle.

Kidney Not Safe

It is found to be not-safe using this Timer 1 ER Tablet for patients with kidney problems.

Liver Not Safe

It is found to be not-safe using this Timer 1 ER Tablet for patients with liver problems.

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